

Denim DIY's - 3 Ways To Revive Jeans

Denim DIY - 3 Ways To Revive Jeans

We are at the end of another winter in Melbourne and I am looking forward to seeing what my kneecaps and arms look like. I wore my jeans so relentlessly that they feel like part of my skin and they are now verging on their denim death. I don't want to look at the three pairs I have had on rotation all winter. In the name of DIY I looked at them straight in the eyelet to see what they needed to continue with life. Sometimes I feel like plain old denim limits my creativity with style. Even though I marvel at the way others wear denim and put their own spin on something so simple. I have been messing around with making small changes to spice up denim and give them an edge (literally). Here are 3 simple denim DIY's to add a little spice and rugged charm your jeans.

1. The Asymmetrical Edge Hem Frey

For this one you will need a pair of jeans, a pair of scissors and a washing machine. A measuring tape and pins help too. 

Step 1 - Cut the hem just above the stitching. Where you chose to cut depends on the length you are going for. Mine were already semi cropped so just above the stitching was perfect. 

Step 2 - Measure your desired front hem. I went for 2 inches. Pin it, then chop it.

Step 3 - Put them in a normal spin in the washing machine. This will give them a nice little frey. 

2. Sprinkle With Studs

For this one you will need some jeans, pliers, some studs (you can order yourself some at Studs and Spikes) and scissors or a utensil of choice to puncture holes help.

Step 1 - Arrange your studs in the pattern you like. I went pretty simple with this one.. zig zags or a star could be fun. 

Step 2 - Puncture your holes. It is easier if you insert the holes along the stitching line. The stitching also keeps you on track to keep your studs even, I counted six stitches between each stud. 

Sep 3 - Insert the studs and close over with your pliers. 

3. Off The Hook Charming 

For this one you will need some jeans, pliers and some charms, chains and jewellery hoops. It would also look very cute on a denim skirt. 

Step 1 - Hook the silver hoop onto the jean belt hoop, add your trinkets then close up with your pliers. 

No more steps. You are done. 


DIY - 29 Cent Double Layer Rat Tail Choker

DIY- 29 Cent Double Layer Rat Tail Choker 

Today I discovered Rat Tail thread, a satin thread that retails for a tiny 29 cents per meter. Unlike the name, it is actually super soft to wear as a choker, softer than leather.  I put together this simple little 90's choker using some dragon charms that have been waiting patiently in my beading box. The triangle piece was from my tool box. I believe it may have come with a picture frame. You you use pretty much anything. Have a dig around and see what you can find...think tassels, crystals, rings and charms. You will probably have something you can use so the choker will just cost 30 cents. I do appreciate the simplicity of that DIY black thread in a bow style choker that has been steaming up the internet lately. You know the one I am talking about. I added the double layer as I feel like it works well with lower necklines. 

You will need:

  • 1 x Meter of Rat Tail. It retails for 29 cents per meter and you can pick it up from your local craft store. 
  • 2 x Charms - think tassels, crystals, rings.  
  • 2 x Silver rings to join the charms (optional) 
  • Pliers (optional)

Step 1: Measure your rat tail around your neck. Check yourself out in the mirror and position where you would like your charms to sit, then cut the thread allowing an inch or two to tie it together. 

Step 2:  Start with the shortest layer. Thread your charm and tie a knot around it so it sits flat. You can use a silver ring if you like. Use your pliers to join the silver ring together. You will need to try it on check yourself out in the mirror again to make sure it is sitting where you want it.

Step 3: Once you have your first charm in place thread the second and tie the knot again. Once you are happy with both layers tie it at the back. 


DIY - How To Dye Leather Shoes

DIY - How To Dye Leather Shoes

I was bored with my black boots so I picked up some leather dye and turned them into gold. Wild move, I know. You can totally dye leather shoes yourself, it takes a trip to ebay and some time and patience. The imperfect nature of dying leather means your hand painted shoes will be the only one like it in the universe. There is an art to dying leather shoes. Here is what I learnt from dyeing my perfectly imperfect gold boots.  

You will need:
  • Tarrago Colour Dye kit (ebay) I used Oro Puro colour. The kit will include the preparer, a tiny brush, sponge and dye. It retails at around $10.00 (+ $7.00 shipping)
  • Leather shoes (It works best with leather, I actually used vegan leather)

Step 1: Inside your leather dye kit you will find a bottle of transparent liquid and a small scrubber brush. The liquid is your preparer, the stuff that strips back the leather and prepares the surface to soak in the dye. Use the little scrubber brush and apply the preparer liquid in circular movements all over the surface of your shoe. Give them around 30 minutes to dry off, give or take, depending on the density of the leather. You can feel when they are dry. 
Step 2: Now pick up that tiny paint brush. Dip it in your leather paint and test it on paper first to see if it is the right consistency. Begin painting the finer details; the seams, the stitching and between the leather and the sole. Once all your seams are painted, use that sponge to fill in the rest of your shoe with straight strokes. You want to aim for a pretty even thin coat over the entire shoe. The first coat will look pretty light at this stage so you will need to trust that the next coats will even that out. You want that first coat to be light and even. 
Step 3: It dries pretty fast, in about ten minutes. Once your first coat is dry apply another thin coat. Apply as many coats as you feel it needs, somewhere between 3-6. My golden number was 5 coats (most of the bottle). It will depend on the colour, type of leather and the aesthetic you are going for. Your shoes will take about 24 - 48 hours to dry completely. Do not keep applying coats or decorating during this drying time. You can apply an additional coat once dry if need be. 

You are done. Now you can wear your hand painted shoes. 


How To Disguise A Split - DIY Suede Stud Embellished Skirt


How To Disguise A Split - DIY Suede Stud Embellished Skirt 

As often the case with vintage finds, this suede skirt was perfect except for one little detail...the split. It is a little too saucy for day to day wear. I thought it would be an easy fix until I really thought about it. It is made from thick suede, I have no sewing machine and little sewing skills. What is a girl to do?! I became a tradie and turned to a hammer and nail to sort out my split. This idea could also be applied to dresses with splits. Here is how I disguised the split with some stud embellishment.

You will need;
  • A hammer.
  • 2 x nails.
  • A thread and needle. Opt for a thick needle.
  • leather / suede strip. Approximately half a meter. Mine is around 2cm wide. 
  • Studs - I picked mine up from a rockabilly shop for 5cents a pop. You can pick them up here.
  • A pair of pliers.
  • A pair of scissors.

Step 1 - Measure and cut your strip of fabric to fit the length of your skirt. Then insert the studs. I used the hammer and nail to pierce the fabric then a pair of pliers to fold the studs on the other side. Use your creative licence with the studding. You can create a little pattern or make it super punk and stud heavy. I chose to use two studs, one on the top and one on the bottom.

Step 2 -To secure the strip of fabric hammer 6 holes; two at the top, two half way down and two at the bottom of the skirt. Thread your cotton through the holes to sew stitch it together in the three sections. You might need to use your pliers to help pull the needle through.

Step 3 - Turn the skirt inside out and sew together the inner seam of the split. I just threaded the needle through the existing stitching. To be extra secure I added two additional studs to fasten it.


DIY Leather Air Plant Pouch

DIY Leather Air Plant Pouch 

I am still high from finding the leather off cuts. I made this super easy leather air plant pouch. I would like to introduce you to my new air plant called 'Old Man's Whiskers'. Weirdly, I did not choose this name. I have been filling my space with crystals and plants. I love it when you can make something from one ingredient and your hands. It is literally just knotting the leather together, Here is how I made this leather air plant pouch for my Old Man's Whiskers.

You will need:

  • 2 x pieces of leather or fabric of choice. It is nice to have two different widths and colours for contrast. 
  • 1 x air plant. I went for Old Mans Whiskers. It retails at around $13.
  • A pair of hands and a pair of scissors.
How it is done:

Step 1 - Take two pieces of leather. The thicker piece is about 20cm and the thinner piece is about 40cm. 

Step 2: Cut two 2cm slits at each end of your thicker piece of leather. These two slits are for your skinnier piece of leather to thread through. Then cut a third slit in the middle, this is where your new air plant friend will hang from. 

Step 3: Take your other piece of leather and thread in into the slits and tie a knot. I think chunky knots look really cool. Then hang your new air plant. He/she should come on a piece of wire. Thread the wire through the middle slit then tie it in a knot. 



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When Life Gives You A Bucket of $1 Leather - DIY Leather Choker

When Life Gives You A Bucket of $1 Leather - DIY Leather Choker

Well Mercury is in retrograde again, its anxious mist is hovering over my surroundings. It is a terrible time for editing so I apologise in advance for any typos. I am tinkering around making jewellery while I am awaiting some drastic life changes, mercury is delaying the process. It is not all bad though, I did find a bucket of $1 leather at my local opshop. I took it as a universal sign. Sometimes you just need a small win to give that little buzz to keep going. Fortunately to counteract Mercury being a menace, a local craft club gave all their supplies to the opshop. I also am now a proud owner of a lifetime worth of jewellery latches in exchange for a gold coin. I am looking forward to experimenting and seeing what else I can create from the leather. I was a pretty chuffed about this choker I made and was inspired to share how to make this DIY leather choker.

You will need;
  • 1 x meter of leather. I chose fine leather for this one. A thicker leather would be cool too. 
  • 1 x set of D Rings. You can pick these up for around $1.79 at a fabric store. They are traditionally used for belt straps.
  • 1 x jewellery clasp.
  • A pair of pliers.
  • Optional - A trinket of choice. 
Step 1 - Take two strands of leather around half a meter each. Fold each piece of leather in half and wrap them around each side of your D Ring.

Step 2 - Measure the leather around your neck to get your preferred length. Cut the leather but keep in mind you will need some additional leather to knot.

Step 3 - Thread the other end of the leather into your clasp then knot it. The knot will be visible, however it will be at the back and because of the double thread you can hide it on the inside. Those with machinery can create a more finished look. Use your pliers to fasten.

Step 4 - Optional. Add your trinket. It looks very cool and minimalistic as it is in the photo above. I used some metal from another dismantled vintage necklace.

Step 5 - Wear your leather choker.